Chat room #pink on IRC network was registered at 2019-06-30 and assigned to category Pink Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 116 users -
114 minutes ago -
current topic: ReplIRC | Netsplits are no longer common!!! | #off-topic for random conversations | Server linking may be considered, just ask! | ZNC Bouncer: Not available at this time | irc.replirc.dn42 via dn42, fmuoubrfktqjgjq3cgw5m2qix7pjqptnsxojeie6xmezvjqkt7t2xzyd.onion via tor, tilde.
pink port 6698/TLS+6668/plaintext clearnet
network: ReplIRC_Solanum
Chat Room - 4 users -
130 minutes ago -
current topic: Physics |(ノ゚ヮ゚)ノ彡ʍʍʍʍ Lovely expriment: Question: What would happen with the prism on the iconic
pink floyd album cover, if we waited for long enough. Can you quantify the effect with time and index of refraction as variables?
category: Physics -
network: Rizon