Chat room #fringe on IRC network was registered at 2022-11-22 and assigned to category Fringe Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 13 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: Ghosts, Psychics, Esoterics, Occult, UFOs, Cryptids, Conspiracies, Myth, Legend, and Mysteries. Official Channel of the North American Psychic & Paranormal Network - Join the NAPPN Voice Chat Fri/Sat/Sun 8pm EST -
category: Fringe -
network: ouchnet
Chat Room - 8 users -
138 minutes ago -
current topic: [ NEW: Stargate Universe, Caprica,
Fringe, Eureka, Smallville, Supernatural, Sanctuary, V, Doctor Who, The Event ][ SERVERS NEEDED ] Please join our Brother chan #Scifi-HQ !
category: Science Fiction Internet -
network: IRCHighWay