##intel-media freenode - Intel Chat

This is a small report about chat room ##intel-media, a so called IRC channel on network freenode. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  coursera (1)   companies (3)   intel (26)   manufacturer (1)  

Chat room ##intel-media on IRC network freenode was registered at 2017-01-20 and assigned to category Intel Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

##intel-media freenode - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
- none -

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Chat Room - 120 users - 144 minutes ago - current topic: https://drm.pages.freedesktop.org/intel-docs/ - Intel kernel & media graphics development discussion | For Intel 3D discussion, join #intel-3d | How to report bugs: https://drm.pages.freedesktop.org/intel-docs/how-to-file-i915-bugs.html | Register your nick to talk: https://www.oftc.net/Services/
category: Intel Graphics Cards - network: OFTC

#intel-3d OFTC

Chat Room - 71 users - 144 minutes ago - current topic: <airlied> you don't debug 3D so much as weep uncontrollably | Intel Mesa devroom | http://www.mesa3d.org | http://01.org/linuxgraphics | Register your nick to talk: https://www.oftc.net/Services/
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Chat Room - 8 users - 126 minutes ago - current topic: Leaky squirrel cyberpew intel sharing - TLP:LAVENDER-STRICT
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#intel Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 11 users - 144 minutes ago - current topic: Open discussions advancing Intel's Open Source community work - https://open.intel.com
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#intel Rizon

Chat Room - 80 users - 144 minutes ago - current topic: Bad cpus and a dead channel. Maybe I should revive it? | XDCC Guide: https://i.imgur.com/G2pmWT7.png | If you need channel access back hl snowfag
category: Intel - network: Rizon

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