Chat room #eating-disorders on IRC network asylum was registered at 2017-02-07 and assigned to category Food Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 29 users -
129 minutes ago -
current topic: Dietary and supplemental nutrition and health | Disclaimer: Consult a doctor. No professionals here. Don't abruptly stop meds. | RULES: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No narcotics. No public logging. No long-term idling. | Data:
food-data | Affiliated: #climate-news #compmed #covid-news #exercise
category: Nutrition -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
129 minutes ago -
current topic: life long challenge! trust nutritionists, not lobbyists like other channels; most chronic diseases are from bad
food, not old age; -toxins: teflon, aluminum, soy, endocrine disruptors, preservatives; -inferior ingredients: highly processed, grains (especially wheat), antinutrients {lectins, oxylates, phytates, goitrogens} (plants), fructose; +superior ingredients: animal based
category: Cooking -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 12 users -
129 minutes ago -
current topic: | Bugs: | *** Please don't leave the channel immediately after asking a question! *** We are not robots, we are sometimes away for sleep and
food. We are happy to help you as soon as possible (within a few hours/days), but we can't if you disappear!
category: Linux -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 6 users -
129 minutes ago -
current topic: fren find butthole | Disover Norton 360 for many need | (NSFL BE WARN) $20 30 min ok? | Find
food fren: chips coffee cocoa duck egg kiwi mango lettuce pancakes pizza spacepeanut tortillaretreat - unban me from #truth plz
network: Rizon