#starwars Undernet - Star Wars Chat

This is a small report about chat room #starwars, a so called IRC channel on network Undernet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret. You will also find an online chat button below that forwards you to irc2go.com.

 Related queries:  star wars (21)   yoda (3)   darth vader (1)   mummy (1)  

Chat room #starwars on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2017-08-07 and assigned to category Star Wars Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#starwars Undernet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

Online Chat

to, from topic
Welcome to #StarWars | Channel Created: Sep 28 2004
Welcome to STAR WARS!

More Star Wars Chat Rooms

#starwars RisposteInformatiche

Chat Room - 12 users - 28 minutes ago - current topic: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Star Wars Chan| https://starwars.lastanza.chat/ | <> ONE WAY OUT <> - DIOPA AFFILIATES - We are the revolution.
category: Star Wars - network: RisposteInformatiche  -  irc2go: #starwars

#starwars DarkMyst

Chat Room - 8 users - 42 minutes ago - current topic: Chatting about Star Wars and OOC room for #starwars-rpg. We run WEG Star Wars D6 system. Friday Nights. 7 EST.
category: Star Wars - network: DarkMyst  -  irc2go: #starwars

#GiantBomb Rizon

Chat Room - 13 users - 48 minutes ago - current topic: An unofficial channel for Giant Bomb stuff and whatever else we want || New Video Game Releases: The First Descendant [July 2] // Flintlock [July 18] // Black Myth: Wukong [Aug 20] // Star Wars Outlaws [Aug 29] // Astro Bot [Sep 6]
network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #GiantBomb

#starwars SimosNap

Chat Room - 1 users - 27 minutes ago - current topic: [+Llnrt #pokemon 1] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Star Wars Chan
category: Star Wars - network: SimosNap  -  irc2go: #starwars

#spaceopera IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 2 users - current topic: Canal de interpretació® ²ol centrado en ambientaciones de Space Opera, como Macross, Star Wars, Dune, etc... o la propia, Starpath - enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4_tfvjr-SA
category: Science Fiction Opera - network: IRC-Hispano  -  irc2go: #spaceopera

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