Chat room #milano on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2018-01-14 and assigned to category Milan Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 3 users -
97 minutes ago -
current topic: (#Futebol) Atlan Unite 2-1 Inter Miami ¦ Juven 0-3 Forta ¦ Athle PR 1-2 Vitór ¦ Feyen 3-2 AZ ¦ Goiás 1-0 Guara ¦ Chape 0-2 Grêmi Novor ¦ Monza 0-1
Milan ¦ Santo 3-0 Vila Nova ¦ Braga 0-0 Cuiab ¦ Ajax 3-2 PSV ¦ Borus Dortm 2-1 RB Leipz
category: Soccer -
network: DALnet
Chat Room - 11 users -
94 minutes ago -
current topic: [*] 6Project IPv6 Tunnel Broker [*] - BGP Transit Available in Frankfurt, Salerno,
Milan, London, Kansas City, Fremont
network: IRCnet