#ircdhelp Undernet - Ircd Chat

This is a small report about chat room #ircdhelp, a so called IRC channel on network Undernet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret. You will also find an online chat button below that forwards you to irc2go.com.

 Related queries:  servers (112)   cygwin (5)   daemon (18)   server (482)  

Chat room #ircdhelp on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2014-06-05 and assigned to category Ircd Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#ircdhelp Undernet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

Online Chat

to, from topic
Happy Birthday to #ircdhelp (13 years) | Hello - Please ask your questions in the open channel and wait for a reply. ( Please do not /msg the Ops. Thank you. )
Happy Birthday to #ircdhelp (13 years) | Hello - Please ask your questions in the open channel and wait for a reply. Please do not /msg the Ops. Thank you.
Hello - Please ask your questions in the open channel and wait for a reply. Please do not /msg the Ops. Thank you.
Hello - Thank you.
Welcome, Please ask your questions, in English, in the open channel and wait for a reply. Please do not /msg the Ops. Thank you.
Welcome! Please ask your questions, in English, in the open channel and wait for a reply. Please do not /msg the Ops. Thank you.

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#ircd QuakeNet

Chat Room - 2 users - 147 minutes ago - current topic: ircu/derivates/P10 help channel (no unreal/hybrid) | Sources: http://ircu.darkserv.net | Do NOT PM voices/ops | Basic Knowledge of unix, gcc and the IRC protocol strongly required. | We're not here to read for you
category: Ircd - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #ircd

#IRCd Geveze

Chat Room - 4 users - current topic: ¨ [ #IRCd Network; » Geveze.ORG ]
category: Ircd - network: Geveze  -  irc2go: #IRCd

#Help Sohbet.net

Chat Room - 6 users - current topic: Sohbet.NET resmi yardim kanalina hosgeldiniz. IRCd/Services sorulariniz için yetkililerin voice(+) vermesini bekleyiniz. Yardim alabileceginiz konular giris mesajinda belirtilmistir. X-Line sorunlariniz için #OPERHELP /Nick/ ve Auth kodu sorunlariniz için #Nickserv kanalini kullaniniz. #HELP kanalinda bekleme yapmak yasaktir. Sohbet.NET #Help Yönetimi.
network: Sohbet.net  -  irc2go: #Help

#OperHelp Sohbet.net

Chat Room - 10 users - current topic: Sohbet.NET Resmi oper yardým kanalýna hoþ geldiniz. Kanalýmýzda sadece nick/kanal/þifre/sistem hatalarý vb. sorunlarýnýz hakkýnda yardým verilmekte olup, yardým görevlilerinin size voice(+) vermelerini bekleyiniz. IRCd/Services problemleriniz için lütfen #Help kanalýný kullanýnýz.
network: Sohbet.net  -  irc2go: #OperHelp

#OperHELP Mavra.Net

Chat Room - 24 users - 129 minutes ago - current topic: [Kanal/Þifre] sorunlarýnýz için #ChanServ - [Nick/Þifre] sorunlarýnýz için #NickServ - X:Lined:(gline/zline/shun) sorunlarýnýz ve diðer sorunlarýnýz için OPERHELP yetkililerinin voice (+) vermesini bekleyiniz. IRCd/SERVICES sorunlarýnýz için #HELP kanalýný kullanýnýz
network: Mavra.Net  -  irc2go: #OperHELP

0.1484 seconds

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