Chat room #colombia on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2017-05-08 and assigned to category Colombia Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 531 users -
33 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CHTdfnrt 15:1h 10 *4:3] Bienvenidos a #
Colombia Queda totalmente Prohibido hacer Spam [salas,emails,webs] Flood [repetir] Insultos/Faltar respeto, escribir en Mayúsculas usar, Colores fuertes de texto [dibujos adornos] así como las temáticas de Sexo/Cam y Drogas. Deseamos que te diviertas
category: Colombia -
network: Chatzona
Chat Room - 2 users -
current topic: ¡Bienvenido al mejor chat de
Colombia! Sitio web:
colombia Instagram:
category: Colombia -
network: Brazink
Chat Room - 2 users -
35 minutes ago -
current topic: Operation
Colombia | Please share/Por favor, compartan : | Join the operation: - | How to hack: | Please do not attack any health/education related services such as hospital, school etc
category: Colombia -
network: AnonOps