Chat room #All-Metal on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2009-12-19 and assigned to category Metal Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 4 users -
current topic: yardým kanalýna hoþ geldiniz. Kanalýmýzda #
Metal kanalý ile ilgili þikayet/öneri/ban/yetki gibi konularda yardým verilmekte ve yönlendirme yapýlmaktadýr.Lütfen yetkili arkadaþlarýn (@) size voice (+) vermesini bekleyiniz.
category: Metal -
network: TRSohbet
Chat Room - 22 users -
129 minutes ago -
current topic: We are Brothers and Sisters of
Metal here in the Hall! | This chan may be sometimes slow, have some patience, headbang meanwhile \m/
category: Metal -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 6 users -
127 minutes ago -
current topic: Peace, Love, Respect, Freedom, Forgiveness, Harmony, Unity, Empathy, Fairness, Compassion, Honesty, Sincerity, Gratefulness, Gratitude
category: Metal -