#Mobile Sohbet.net - Mobile Devices Chat

This is a small report about chat room #Mobile, a so called IRC channel on network Sohbet.net. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret. You will also find an online chat button below that forwards you to irc2go.com.

 Related queries:  security (138)   file systems (2)   computers (30)   pc (54)  

Chat room #Mobile on IRC network Sohbet.net was registered at 2015-05-01 and assigned to category Mobile Devices Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#Mobile Sohbet.net - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

Online Chat

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Merhaba mobile kanalýna hoþgeldiniz. Kanalda küfürlü ve argolu konuþmak yasaktýr, herkese iyi sohbetler!
2024-03-09  Merhaba mobile kanalýna hoþgeldiniz. Kanalda küfürlü ve argolu konuþmak yasaktýr, herkese iyi sohbetler!
Merhaba mobile kanalýna hoþgeldiniz. Kanalda küfürlü ve argolu konuþmak yasaktýr, herkese iyi sohbetler!
2024-03-04  Merhaba, sohbet kanalýndaki tüm accessler silinmiþtir ve yeni bir yönetim kadrosu oluþturulacaktýr. Sohbet ve mobil ortak kanalýmýzdýr.
www.sohbet.net #mobile kanalina hoþgeldiniz. Kanalimiza kanal bilgisi olan ve online suresi yuksek olan @ (Aop) ve & (Sop) arkadaþlar eklenecektir. Ilgilenen arkadaþlar Murathan01 Nickli arkadaþýmýzla görüþebilir.Hoþ Sohbetler diLeriz.
2024-02-20  www.sohbet.net #mobile kanalina hoþgeldiniz. Kanalimiza kanal bilgisi olan ve online suresi yuksek olan @ (Aop) ve & (Sop) arkadaþlar eklenecektir. Ilgilenen arkadaþlar Murathan01 Nickli arkadaþýmýzla görüþebilir.Hoþ Sohbetler diLeriz.
#Mobile Kanalina Hoþgeldiniz. OnLine Süresi uzun olan kanal bilgisi olan ilgili olacak tam yetkili, & ( Sop ) arkadaþ alinacaktir. iLgilenenler - SessizLik Nicki iLe Görüþebilir. iYi Sohbetler. www.sohbet.net
#Mobile Kanalina Hoþgeldiniz. OnLine Süresi uzun olan kanal bilgisi olan ilgili olacak tam yetkili, & ( Sop ) arkadaþ alinacaktir. iLgilenenler - SessizLik Nicki iLe Görüþebilir. iYi Sohbetler. www.sohbet.net
2024-02-07  #Mobile Kanalina Hoþgeldiniz. Kanalda @ (Aop) veya & (Sop) olmak isteyenler SessizLik Nickine Müracaat edebilirler. Hoþ sohbetler Dilerim.
2024-02-05  #Mobile Kanalina Hoþgeldiniz. Kanalda @ (Aop) veya & (Sop) olmak isteyenler SessizLik Nickine Müracaat edebilirler. Hoþ sohbetler Dilerim.

More Mobile Devices Chat Rooms

#replicant OFTC

Chat Room - 34 users - 96 minutes ago - current topic: Replicant: 100% free Android distribution focusing on freedom, privacy and security for mobile devices | Website: https://replicant.us | Frequently asked questions: https://replicant.us/about.php#faq | Latest images: Replicant 6.0 0004 | This channel is a public space and may be logged. | This channel is bridged with #replicant on Hackint and Liberachat |
category: Google Android - network: OFTC  -  irc2go: #replicant

#replicant Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 39 users - 97 minutes ago - current topic: Replicant: 100% free Android distribution focusing on freedom, privacy and security for mobile devices | Website: https://replicant.us | Frequently asked questions: https://replicant.us/about.php#faq | Latest images: Replicant 6.0 0004 | This channel is a public space and may be logged. | This channel is bridged with #replicant on OFTC and Liberachat |
category: Google Android - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #replicant

#replicant hackint

Chat Room - 8 users - 85 minutes ago - current topic: Replicant: 100% free Android distribution focusing on freedom, privacy and security for mobile devices | Website: https://replicant.us | Frequently asked questions: https://replicant.us/about.php#faq | Latest images: Replicant 6.0 0004 | This channel is a public space and may be logged. | This channel is bridged with #replicant on OFTC and Libera |
category: Google Android - network: hackint  -  irc2go: #replicant

#smartphone AnonOps

Chat Room - 4 users - 93 minutes ago - current topic:  Welcome to the smartphone tech support! || Important information on privacy and security on mobile devices: https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/problem-mobile-phones & https://guardianproject.info/howto/ || If nobody is around, try InfoBot using -help
category: Mobile Phones - network: AnonOps  -  irc2go: #smartphone

#goguma Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 27 users - 97 minutes ago - current topic: goguma, an IRC client for mobile devices - https://sr.ht/~emersion/goguma/
network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #goguma

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