Chat room #doctorwho on IRC network Snoonet was registered at 2019-07-08 and assigned to category Doctor Who Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 3 users -
121 minutes ago -
current topic: <APic> Twilight Zone + Theatre of Magic <APz> Contact, Stellar Wars, Flash, Bally Star Trek, Viking, Mars Trek, Buck Rogers, Fire!, Big guns, Mousin' Around, Robocop, Judge Dredd, Twilight Zone, Jackbot, Fish Tales,
Doctor Who,
Who Dunnit…
category: Pinball -
network: IRCnet
Chat Room - 8 users -
113 minutes ago -
current topic: [ NEW: Stargate Universe, Caprica, Fringe, Eureka, Smallville, Supernatural, Sanctuary, V,
Doctor Who, The Event ][ SERVERS NEEDED ] Please join our Brother chan #Scifi-HQ !
category: Science Fiction Internet -
network: IRCHighWay