Chat room #cancerlounge on IRC network Snoonet was registered at 2019-06-18 and assigned to category Cancer Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 3 users -
52 minutes ago -
current topic: ð️Welcome to #
cancer chat for survivors, patients, and their caregivers. Don't be shy, ask anything, state anything. And it may take sometime for members to respond, be patient! Or go to discord ->
category: Cancer -
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 9 users -
70 minutes ago -
current topic: [18+] Welcome to the naughty side of #FurryCoffeeshop || <%AquaFox> I have sad news, our longtime friend Tempdog aka Zinsey Squoggy has peacefully passed away today at 14:40 NL time after a brief period of pancreatic
cancer. He only just found out a few weeks ago.
network: AnthroChat