Chat room #tea on IRC network Rizon was registered at 2017-08-07 and assigned to category Tea Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 33 users -
77 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CFHPTfjnrtx 5:60 15:15m 30:5 5:1 10:5] Welcome to the official IRC for /r/
tea. Talk about whatever you want, whether it be fountain pens, cameras, BBQ, Cheese, 24hrs of Lemans, or even #
tea! For more detailed discussion about non-
tea topics, try ##not
category: Tea -
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 533 users -
96 minutes ago -
current topic: | Introductory electronics eBook: | Battery information: | Soldering: | Welcome to electronics! | <azonenberg> ok am i stupid or what | <Viper-7> i know feng shui, chai
tea, and 47 other types of kung fu | <HexaCube> you can have my flexshaft
category: Electronics -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
92 minutes ago -
current topic: A warm welcome to the Book Club! Have a cup of coffee, marshmallow cocktail, marshmallow espresso martini, rum, mulled wine, green
tea with beet or beetroot sugar whichever you prefer. Have some red velvet or strawberry cookies. Book of the Month: You are the placebo by Joe Dispenza(
category: Books -
network: AnonOps