Chat room #cat-bunny-fairy-world on IRC network Rizon was registered at 2022-03-02 and assigned to category Cats Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 52 users -
130 minutes ago -
current topic: ᓚᘏᗢ | Show your cat pics! | Adopt don't shop! | Resources? Kitten Lady, Flatbush
Cats and Helpful Vancouver Vet on YouTube are a great start | It's kitten season! Foster if you can! Found some kittens?
category: Cats -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 7 users -
127 minutes ago -
current topic: While being over9000 in realm of l33t
cats and plugging toasters sometimes we get overloaded. This chan is created for space-time continuum when all gets bit much. * do NOT share private or sensitives info/discuss ops - OpSec is sexy <3 * we are here to listen - if afk: | info list:
network: AnonOps