Chat room #ArtificialDiscord on IRC network Rizon was registered at 2019-03-17 and assigned to category Art Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 43 users -
85 minutes ago -
current topic: w/IRCnet|traditional & pixel, three-dimensional/sculpture| #graphics #ASCII #ASCII
art #ANSI #IRC
art #comics #comicbooks |IRCnet #pixel |ircv3 has images
category: Art -
network: EFnet
Chat Room - 7 users -
87 minutes ago -
current topic: Community del protocollo Gemini in lingua italiana | gemini:// | https://geminiquickst.
art/it/ | | | Se è la prima volta che ti colleghi al canale, ci farebbe piacere sapere con quale pronome chiam
arti e se hai una capsula Gemini
network: Libera.Chat