#trivia RetroNode - Computer Games Chat

This is a small report about chat room #trivia, a so called IRC channel on network RetroNode. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

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Chat room #trivia on IRC network RetroNode was registered at 2024-04-11 and assigned to category Computer Games Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#trivia RetroNode - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
< PlayBot> TOP 10 PLAYERS: rtn0, Reigning Champion: 10019650 CrystalMath: 2526825 black_roland: 1969875 Moebius: 1525600 indyZ: 249300 Myrhan: 239175 mikey: 172650 rtn0_: 141300 nsprra: 91825 rondiaz: 68400 .t2 starts/stops bot, .topever shows scores!
TOP 10 PLAYERS - #1:rtn0 5948925 #2:black_roland 1785250 #3:CrystalMath 1765750 #4:Moebius 1271150 #5:indyZ 249300 #6:Myrhan 239175 #7:mikey 166775 #8:rondiaz 68400 #9:rtn0__ 44375 #10:Sm4||p0X 30975
TOP 10 PLAYERS - #1:rtn0 5948925 #2:black_roland 1785250 #3:CrystalMath 1765750 #4:Moebius 1271150 #5:indyZ 249300 #6:Myrhan 239175 #7:mikey 166775 #8:rondiaz 68400 #9:rtn0__ 44375 #10:Sm4||p0X 30975
To start/stop the trivia type .t2 | Other commands: .topever, .topmonth, .topweek, .topday, q to repeat question, ~ to get a hint.

0.0535 seconds

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