to, from |
topic |
2025-01-05, 2024-12-31 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the week: 朝(あさ) - morning |
2024-12-30, 2024-12-29 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the week: 服(ふく) - modern clothes |
2024-12-29, 2024-12-28 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the week: 服(ふく) - modern clothes |
2024-12-28, 2024-12-27 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the week: 服(ふく) "clothing" |
2024-12-27, 2024-12-26 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the day: 聞 (きく)"to listen/hear" |
2024-12-26, 2024-12-22 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the day: 今 (いま)"now" |
2024-12-21, 2024-12-09 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the day: 町 |
2024-12-08 |
こんにちは!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the day: 好 |
2024-12-07, 2024-12-06 |
こんにちわ!ð Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! ð :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, martial arts, technology, videogames, media and language. 楽しんで!✌️ :: Kanji of the day: 好 |
2024-12-05, 2024-12-04 |
いらっしゃいませ!Welcome to the land of anime, sushi and ninja! :: Talk about all things japanese: history, culture, media and language. 楽しむ!:: Kanji of the day: 好 |