Chat room #blackjack on IRC network RadioClick was registered at 2024-04-12 and assigned to category Blackjack Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 9 users -
136 minutes ago -
current topic: ♥♦♣♠ Welcome to #Casino! Slots,
Blackjack, coin, and dice are played here through Murasa. Everyone gets money at start, and $10000 an hour after you lose everything. || For help: @help
blackjack | @help slots | @help dice To check your balance: @casino balance || Not bug-free yet. || have fun and enjoy your stay! ♠♣
category: Casino -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 21 users -
136 minutes ago -
current topic: A fun casual chat room! we also have duck hunt, see @help duckhunt,
blackjack @help
blackjack, Daily Lotto! @help lotto | <<&GunsRGood>> boxette: Dealer Shows: ðJ♦, ð7♣ Total: 17 - Dealer deals you: ð±A♥, ð10♣ Total: 21 PLAYER
BLACKJACKS! You WIN +100,000 FDM |
category: Chat -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 7 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #21 to start a game type .
blackjack | to join a game type .join | to leave a game type .stand | to buy type .buy 100 | to pay type .pay 100 - to hit type h - to stay type s | for more help please ask users or visit
network: DALnet