Chat room #amigos_eternos on IRC network MindForge was registered at 2013-10-17 and assigned to category Friendship Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 8 users -
283 minutes ago -
current topic: |||[Welcome to #Peru a channel of international
friendship without borders for the entire universe || Amistad general para gente latino || || gracias por vuestra visita ]|||
category: Peru -
network: IRCNow
Chat Room - 1 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: Dayman (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah) Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah) You're a Master of Karate And
friendship For Everyone! Dayman (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah) Champion of the Sun! (ah-ah-ah) You're a Master of Karate And
Friendship For Everyone! Dayman (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah) Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah) You're a Master of Karate And
Friendship For Everyone!
network: Snoonet