Chat room #America on IRC network MindForge was registered at 2024-01-11 and assigned to category USA Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 140 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CHdfjnrt 10:30m 10 *3:6 10:5] Bienvenidos a #
Usa Canal de Charlas y Risas, Hacer Spam, Hablar de Política, Fútbol, Religión, Ofrecer Dinero, Faltar el Respeto,
Usar Mayúsculas y Repetir Constantemente, Es Motivo de BAN, Por Favor No Hacerlo, No es Canal de Sexo, los Nick O comentarios de este Tipo serán BANEADOS.
category: USA -
network: Chatzona
Chat Room - 2 users -
26 minutes ago -
current topic: `%%,`%%,`%%, ææææææ Welcome to Emule-English-
USA!! Have Fun! Be Nice! Try to speak ENGLISH! dont post ed2k links ææææææ `%%,`%%,`%%
category: eMule England USA -
network: MindForge