Chat room #arioli on IRC network Mibbit was registered at 2018-08-29 and assigned to category Mibbit Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 2 users -
93 minutes ago -
current topic: [ Welcome to #
mibbit on GameSurge ] [ To use
mibbit goto ] [ Important: Select 'GameSurge webirc' from the pulldown serverlist, or point your widget to ] [ Got problems? Go to #support or #help ]
category: Mibbit -
network: GameSurge
Chat Room - 19 users -
87 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #sex, the place for sex and relationship advice. | NO UNSOLICITED PMs. | This channel is 18+ only. |
Mibbit users, register your name to talk - /MSG NICKSERV HELP | #sex Rules: | This channel deals with sensitive topics. We will moderate potentially bigoted and otherwise problematic speech first and ask questions later. When in doubt, don't be an asshole.
category: Sexuality -
network: Snoonet