Chat room #irssi on IRC network IRC-Hispano was registered at 2024-11-23 and assigned to category Irssi Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 383 users -
88 minutes ago -
current topic: ð¥
Irssi Libera Chat | **Latest release**: 1.4.5 | https:// | Tip:
Irssi commands are preceded by a / | https:// | FP: 7EE6 5E30 82A5 FB06 AC7C 368D 00CC B587 DDBE F0E1 | Pastebin:
category: Irssi -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
88 minutes ago -
current topic: Irssi v1.4.5 has been released - https:// |
Irssi Scripts available at - https://scripts. | If you have a question, please ask here and wait patiently.
category: Irssi -
network: DALnet