#unixhelp GIMPnet - UNIX Chat

This is a small report about chat room #unixhelp, a so called IRC channel on network GIMPnet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret. You will also find an online chat button below that forwards you to irc2go.com.

 Related queries:  aix (4)   minix (8)   unix (92)   unix support (7)  

Chat room #unixhelp on IRC network GIMPnet was registered at 2024-04-16 and assigned to category UNIX Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#unixhelp GIMPnet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

Online Chat

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Chat Room - 37 users - 72 minutes ago - current topic: #UNIX is for the discussion of Botanical science, the book of Lem, films of Nirenberg, Tarkovsky and Soderbergh and the post-rock and metal groups - Want to be an op? Solve: 4883ec0848b84841434b4552530048890424b801000000bf01000000488d3424ba080000000f05bf00000000b83c0000000f05 Hint: the answer is not 42
category: UNIX - network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #unix

#unix RetroNode

Chat Room - 26 users - 51 minutes ago - current topic: A place to discuss, get help with and provide support for UNIX-like operating systems (GNU/Linux, BSD, MacOS, etc) as well as POSIX-compliant toolchain | Helenah's story: https://ctrl-c.club/~helenah/philosophy/unix.html
category: UNIX - network: RetroNode  -  irc2go: #unix

#Unix VirtuaLife

Chat Room - 7 users - 46 minutes ago - current topic: Display information about builtin commands: http://explainshell.com or http://computerhope.com/unix/uhelp.htm or http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/basic-unix.html
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#unix IRC.je

Chat Room - 2 users - current topic: Welcome to #Unix @irc.Snoonet.org | Generic support channel for Unix Based operating systems | Don't ask to ask, just ask :D |
category: UNIX - network: IRC.je  -  irc2go: #unix

#unix Snoonet

Chat Room - 2 users - 49 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #Unix @irc.Snoonet.org | Generic support channel for Unix Based operating systems | Don't ask to ask, just ask :D |
category: UNIX - network: Snoonet  -  irc2go: #unix

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