Chat room #religion on IRC network EFnet was registered at 2014-08-19 and assigned to category Religion Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 11 users -
124 minutes ago -
current topic: A forum for open discussion of
religion and spirituality | Rules: | Any
religion or spirituality paths are welcome (No one path or
religion is preferred over another)
category: Religion -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 25 users -
111 minutes ago -
current topic: (☞゚∀゚)☞ Welcome to LizardIRC | We are all systemd on this blessed day | LizardIRC Network Help: #help | It's apparently "Happy Birthday, Dumbass!" hour on #lizardirc | Discussions RE politics,
religion, social issues, etc. -> #the-quorum plz! | Get a basic cloak: /msg HostServ TAKE lizardirc/user/$account | RIP hubot - 20??-20?? | Teamspeak:
category: IRC -
network: LizardIRC