Chat room #Sparc on IRC network EFnet was registered at 2020-03-02 and assigned to category SPARC Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 22 users -
106 minutes ago -
current topic: The MirOS Project | | MirBSD, a free 4.4BSD based system; MirPorts Framework; mksh; jupp; kwalletcli; paxmirabilis; RANDEX; {glob,tiff}.go; FixedMisc [MirOS]; etc. || NetInstall | Snapshots: i386 (2016-01-17)
sparc (2013-09-15) || recent OpenSSL incompatible but OFTC is temp ~ || to support my work
category: MirOS BSD -
network: OFTC