#thunderirc DALnet - Storm Chat

This is a small report about chat room #thunderirc, a so called IRC channel on network DALnet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  lightning (15)   stormy (2)   thunderstorm (3)   thunder (3)  

Chat room #thunderirc on IRC network DALnet was registered at 2021-06-15 and assigned to category Storm Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#thunderirc DALnet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
<><><>Welcome to thunderIRC on DALnet - FREE Bouncer type !help and follow the instruction, pls use your valid email - check https://thunderirc.net for informations - email : support@thunderirc.net - webpanel BNC find here https://bnc.thunderirc.net/<><><>

More Storm Chat Rooms

#love-storm Net-Tchat

Chat Room - 26 users - 121 minutes ago - current topic: ((())) Bienvenu(es) sur votre salon LoVe-StoRm Votre musique est Là et pas Ailleurs !! ((()))
category: Love Storm - network: Net-Tchat

#Wxchat LibraIRC

Chat Room - 2 users - 123 minutes ago - current topic: #Wxchat This Channel was made BY a Storm Lover, FOR storm lovers, and anyone who wants to learn about hurricanes and tornadoes. DO NOT use bad language! I WONT TOLERATE IT! DO NOT cuss at, or harass chatters in the channel, or kick message! DO NOT kick founder, or ops! ENGLISH ONLY! DO NOT lie to me!'''' T
category: XChat - network: LibraIRC

#Wxchat freenode

Chat Room - 4 users - 136 minutes ago - current topic: This Channel was made BY a Storm Lover, FOR storm lovers, and anyone who wants to learn about hurricanes and tornadoes. DO NOT use bad language! I WONT TOLERATE IT! DO NOT cuss at, or harass chatters in the channel, or kick message! DO NOT kick founder, or ops! ENGLISH ONLY! DO NOT lie to me!'
category: XChat - network: freenode

#Wxchat DarkWorld

Chat Room - 4 users - 130 minutes ago - current topic: This Channel was made BY a Storm Lover, FOR storm lovers, and anyone who wants to learn about hurricanes and tornadoes. DO NOT use bad language! I WONT TOLERATE IT! DO NOT cuss at, or harass chatters in the channel, or kick message! DO NOT kick founder, or ops! ENGLISH ONLY! DO NOT lie to me!
category: XChat - network: DarkWorld

#STORM OtakuboX

Chat Room - 3 users - 120 minutes ago - No topic
category: Storm - network: OtakuboX

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