#nightfly DALnet - IRC Chat

This is a small report about chat room #nightfly, a so called IRC channel on network DALnet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

Chat room #nightfly on IRC network DALnet was registered at 2014-03-07. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#nightfly DALnet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
2024-11-27  Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share, and save IRC| AND... GUESS who dragged his gf to church? Our Snugglo!
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for IRC! | https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/sno-och-vind-pa-ingang-sa-ser-vader-och-trafiklaget-ut | ny låt uppe av mig MySkO | https://soundcloud.com/tommy-herbst-1/da_mysko-sa-som-kada-brinner
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for IRC!| https://youtu.be/CxN_d8XT9ok
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for Irc!| Free space
2024-11-13  Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for Irc!| Dagens fyllerist: Viktor. Stort grattis!
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for Irc!| Ha en trevlig Fars dag, alla pappor!
2024-11-09  Chn for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for Irc!| Dagens fyllerist: Tien :) | <livet> det är grönsaker etc <livet> bara... har du märkt att det är jag inte riktigt orkar trycka in
2024-11-08  Chn for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! And fight for Irc!| Dagens fyllerist: Tien :)
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share! | This weekends challenge: https://www.englishradar.com/english-level-test/
Chan for nostalgics, tech ppl, deeptalkers and bullshitters: just share!  inga fyllerister idag?

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