Chat room #framework on IRC network Azzurra was registered at 2023-12-16 and assigned to category Frameworks Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 2 users -
67 minutes ago -
current topic: The WebCore Python Web Framework – Smaller and faster than even those “micro”
frameworks you might be used to, and as opinionated as a coma patient. – – — Actual home: #marrow
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 20 users -
48 minutes ago -
current topic: | General programming assistance, beardy discussion and egotistical chit chat. | Long text? | Discussion of many languages, platforms, and
frameworks. | Don't ask to ask; just ask! | Celebrating 15+ years of #programming!
category: Programming -
network: SwiftIRC
Chat Room - 3 users -
67 minutes ago -
current topic: Marrow Open Source Collective — Web
frameworks, template engines, component management systems, oh my! Chaos, panic, disorder; my work is complete. — —
network: Libera.Chat