#ipv6 lowendirc.com - IPv6 Chat

This is a small report about chat room #ipv6, a so called IRC channel on network lowendirc.com. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  ssl (74)   ipv6 (72)   openssl (8)   icmp (1)  

Chat room #ipv6 on IRC network lowendirc.com was registered at 2025-01-24 and assigned to category IPv6 Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#ipv6 lowendirc.com - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
yoursunny! we want you here

More IPv6 Chat Rooms

#IPv6 AfterNET

Chat Room - 9 users - 104 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to IPv6, the future of the Internet! Try AfterNET's IPv6 connectivity with /server irc.afternet.org and let us know what you think! Find out more at http://afternet.org/help/connecting/ipv6/. 3 of our 5 IPv6 servers now have native IPv6!
category: IPv6 - network: AfterNET

#ipv6 Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 252 users - 104 minutes ago - current topic: We prefer the term "Legacy IP." | http://howtodisableipv6.com/ | "basically, allow all ICMP6 and you'll be fine." otherwise RFC4890 | Pastebin: https://p.6core.net/ (Don't redact addresses!) | Tunnels: https://tinyurl.com/v6brokers | IPv4/6 Indicator, Firefox: https://tinyurl.com/ffIPvFox - Chrome: https://tinyurl.com/ChIPvFoo
category: IPv6 - network: Libera.Chat

#ipv6 DALnet

Chat Room - 13 users - 104 minutes ago - current topic: 'u can haz v6! Point your client at ipv6.dal.net for some 128-bit love! || /ame or /away will earn you a ban, consider yourself warned. || Test your connection at http://test-ipv6.com/'
category: IPv6 - network: DALnet

#ipv6-fr Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 2 users - 104 minutes ago - current topic: IPv6 sous GNU/Linux, *BSD, Windows, MacOS X, etc.. | http://livre.point6.net/ | Clients Wanadoo : http://www.ipv6.wanadoo.fr/ | ping/traceroute IPv6 : http://www.sceen.net/lg.php
category: IPv6 France - network: Libera.Chat

#ipv6 QuakeNet

Chat Room - 16 users - 104 minutes ago - current topic: We're pleased to annouce that we now have two public IPv6 servers! If you have an IPv6 capable client you can connect to irc6.QuakeNet.org now!
category: IPv6 - network: QuakeNet

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