#antisocial Zoite - IRC Chat

This is a small report about chat room #antisocial, a so called IRC channel on network Zoite. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

Chat room #antisocial on IRC network Zoite was registered at 2014-06-09. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#antisocial Zoite - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
Happy Thanksgiving - drink tea
please check carefully in the mirror for signs of being an asshat - it could happen to you! | warning, an asshat has been spotted in the area | remain calm, drink tea | nuts out for Peanut
2024-11-07  please check carefully in the mirror for signs of being an asshat - it could happen to you! | warning, an asshat has been spotted in the area | remain calm, drink tea | literally can not elect a woman
2024-11-06  please check carefully in the mirror for signs of being an asshat - it could happen to you! | warning, an asshat has been spotted in the area | remain calm, drink tea
2024-10-29  @tonitrus Menchers: fight this shit | @morph no disrespect, i woud not count on tonitrus' medical opinion | it wasnt an opinion cunt, it was a statement
#antisocial - HAPPY SPOOPTOBER - cokoreo - https://tilde.club
2024-10-23  #antisocial - HAPPY SPOOPTOBER - cokoreo - https://tilde.club - https://stallmansupport.org/
#antisocial - HAPPY SPOOPTOBER - yahya sinwar receives high caliber brain surgery - https://tilde.club - https://stallmansupport.org/
- the event horizon of a black hole - HAPPY SPOOPTOBER - https://sealandgov.org/en-us - https://tilde.club - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVyu7NB7W6Y Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System
2024-10-02  #antisocial - the event horizon of a black hole - HAPPY SPOOPTOBER - https://sealandgov.org/en-us - https://tilde.club

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