Chat room #football on IRC network Undernet was registered at 2017-05-24 and assigned to category Football Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 85 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: General satellite monitoring chat channel - if you have a question just ask! - no
football / religious / political rants / fantasy DSN reception from basements etc - new "hearsat" voice chat on Zello, bridged to Discord #hearsat
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
current topic: List of things bananed from respecting: 2015, Windows 8, Apple, Facebook, cr0sis, Windows 10, Anything, tablet, Valve,
football, 750p resolution, straight phones, isis, sepp blatter, steve trading cards, Volkswagens, Cunin, Coronavirus - Countdown to 2021: 0
network: RenCorner