Chat room #Finance on IRC network Snoonet was registered at 2018-03-04 and assigned to category Finance Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 31 users -
92 minutes ago -
current topic: How I Got Over My Fear of Investing and Started Saving for My Future: | Personal Income Spending Flowchart: | https://www.personal
category: Finance -
network: darkscience
Chat Room - 2 users -
97 minutes ago -
current topic: [##austrians] economics without rulers | | What do we want from this channel? Discuss with apotheon. | all currencies, anti-politics, business, counter-economics, free markets, principles of economics, qualitative
finance, rational investment | Agorism 2024: Vote with your wallet. |
category: Austria -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
81 minutes ago -
current topic: All about Self-Development, in the most general sense.
Finance, Romance, Health, etc. Develop depth and virtuous character traits. Take up hobbies that are interesting, skillful, and challenging. Travel & Cullinary related discussions welcome! Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise as well!
category: Development -
network: RetroNode