#jism SlashNET - IRC Chat

This is a small report about chat room #jism, a so called IRC channel on network SlashNET. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

Chat room #jism on IRC network SlashNET was registered at 2024-03-02. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#jism SlashNET - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
No homos ! A Bird Shit On My Dick an Tried To Suck My Fucking COCK! FUCK! | jasticeE = INST ABAN for FAGGOT with a fAGGY nicknam FAGs NOT ALLOWED good ol' Canadian rockers ||| NHAHAH Bill S. Preston, Esquire and "Ted" Theodore Logan HA!! QPT & POLYTARP TRIED 2 SUCK MY COCK...UBU TRIED TO PECK MY PECKER?
No homos ! A Bird Shit On My Dick an Tried To Suck My Fucking COCK! FUCK! | jasticeE = INST ABAN for FAGGOT with a fAGGY nicknam FAGs NOT ALLOWED good ol' Canadian rockers ||| NHAHAH Bill S. Preston, Esquire and "Ted" Theodore Logan HA!! QPT & POLYTARP TRIED 2 SUCK MY COCK...UBU TRIED TO PECK MY PECKER!
No homos ! A Bird Shit On My Dick an Tried To Suck My Fucking COCK! FUCK! | jasticeE = INST ABAN for FAGGOT with a fAGGY nicknam FAGs NOT ALLOWED good ol' Canadian rockers ||| NHAHAH Bill S. Preston, Esquire and "Ted" Theodore Logan HA!! QPT & POLYTARP TRIED 2 SUCK MY COCK... UBU TRIED TO PECK MY PECKER
No homos ! A Bird Shit On My Dick an Tried To Suck My Fucking COCK! FUCK! | jasticeE = INST ABAN for bein ga FAGGOT with a fAGGY nicknam fucking FAGGOTS NOT ALLOWED good ol' Canadian rockers ||| NHAHAHHA Bill S. Preston, Esquire and "Ted" Theodore Logan HAHA !!!!!!!!!!

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