Chat room #RocK_InSidE on IRC network SimosNap was registered at 2017-06-11 and assigned to category Rock Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 32 users -
20 minutes ago -
current topic: Deðerli kullanýcýlarýmýz, global kanallarýmýzdan #
Rock kanalý kiralýktýr. Sohbet.NET'de global kanal founderi olmanýn farklýlýðý ve avantajlarý ile #
Rock kanalýný kiralamak isteyen kullanýcýlarýmýz #Sales kanalýndaki satýþ sorumlusu arkadaþlarýmýzla görüþebilirler.
category: Rock -
Chat Room - 6 users -
current topic: ||||||||| ⚡☆♫ð♫☆⚡ Bienvenue sur le salon de
RocK-N-SounD RadiO ! Du
rock, du partage, de la détente et surtout du wattage ! ⚡☆♫ð♫☆⚡ |||||||||
category: Rock Music -
network: Net-Tchat