#qnx RusNet - Russia Chat

This is a small report about chat room #qnx, a so called IRC channel on network RusNet. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  asian (13)   asia (17)   russia (15)   russian (35)  

Chat room #qnx on IRC network RusNet was registered at 2017-06-20 and assigned to category Russia Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#qnx RusNet - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
QNX это: VISA, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Open Architecture Distributed Control System, Cisco Systems & QNX Neutrino & IOS XR, BMW, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, Робот bigdog, Разводной Троицкий мост, Система управления северными магистральными нефтепроводами, Сириус-QNX, Пульт космонавтов Нептун-МЭ, Octavo и многое другое.
- none -

More Russia Chat Rooms

#russia Snoonet

Chat Room - 3 users - 89 minutes ago - current topic: /r/russia | chatting in both languages | native subreddit's moderators are welcome to get their AOP status here
category: Russia - network: Snoonet

#Russia Rizon

Chat Room - 8 users - 106 minutes ago - current topic: https://imgur.com/a/q3pGxXw СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ ________ ~ https://i.imgur.com/Z57gr8R.jpg LOL~ остановите войну не верьте пропаганде здесь вам врут
category: Russia - network: Rizon

#Russia freenode

Chat Room - 2 users - 106 minutes ago - current topic: Russia
category: Russia - network: freenode

#conspiracy Rizon

Chat Room - 24 users - 106 minutes ago - current topic: Wait a day or 2 for a reply here. Both Russia and Ukraine seem to want the war, but why? US and W. Europe pushing homosexuality, immorality, paying people to have babies, and out of control immigration to self destruction. x0.no/mmsz Good sites: www.backlash.com search: www.mojeek.com Empire NWO federal reserve dollar collapse survival mercury autism SARS-CoV-2 vaccine kills >1:8000.
category: Conspiracy - network: Rizon

#russia EFnet

Chat Room - 42 users - 106 minutes ago - current topic: [ nM ] Vladimir Putin is my president! | Мать Россия владеет тобой | Президент Путин ваш бог
category: Russia - network: EFnet

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