Chat room #RadioClick on IRC network RomaniaChat was registered at 2018-03-17 and assigned to category Radio Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 23 users -
112 minutes ago -
current topic: [IRC-nERDs Internet
Radio] [Streaming URL for your players: http://
radio.ogg To get started please visit - http:// | http://
radio.nerds.i2p | http://k65ist5xa7bejgxjwn3wcehespk5plxoxrursvrbbs5mw7y4qz6lnmad.onion --- ?list for commands --- ?help <command> for more info
category: Radio -
network: IRC-Nerds
Chat Room - 2 users -
115 minutes ago -
current topic: |||||||||||||| Bienvenue sur
radioblabla un bonjour en y rentrant ca serait sympa.La
Radio pour vous et avec vous. Venez vous détendre en chansons plusieurs soirées par semaine sur http:// ||||||||||||||
category: Radio -
network: EuropNet
Chat Room - 23 users -
current topic: ¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸_ Thema: "Art Vor Meziek" het Nederlandstalig programma met DJ-A3 op www. LIVE vanuit Studio Hoogvliet :: Huidige DJ: DJ-A3 :: Verzoekjes: Open! :: #
radio-dalika _¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯
category: Radio -
network: ChatToIRC
Chat Room - 16 users -
current topic: Emision en AutoDJ Escuchanos desde
radio en su URL
radio-1nkv/ en tu Reproductor +Info .comandos.
category: Radio -
network: IRC-Hispano
Chat Room - 8 users -
current topic: * * * * Welcome to United
Radio Chat Room * * * * Music 24/7 with live DJ's & Jukebox *** Join us at http://united * * * * Listen to DJdma Live At Any Given Time♪♪♪♪♪
category: Radio -
network: Axon