Chat room #minidebconf-online on IRC network OFTC was registered at 2020-03-17 and assigned to category Internet Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 2 users -
50 minutes ago -
current topic: A minimalist
Internet better than gemini: program your own web browser, parser and interpreter! Subset of HTML, HTTP, CSS and JavaScript. Work in progress: Bridge: indie, smolweb, smolnet, degrowth, GemiWeb, web0, JavaScript0, JS0
network: freenode
Chat Room - 6 users -
49 minutes ago -
current topic: The
internet has become a dead place, Lets fix it! | Lurk a while, building a community takes time zoomers. | "OMG no one is talking im leaving" like we said, the
internet is dead... we have to rebuild it. stick around a while... | Join us on Matrix: | Contribute to the webring:
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 4 users -
50 minutes ago -
current topic: #Wrong ontopic | All you need to know - patience, persistence, perseverance, practice, perfection | Sustainable Reliable : Personal & Workgroup Computing | Standards PC Hardware + Free and Open Software | Academic Applied Scientific Methodology | Electronics, Radio & TV |
Internet Services Systems Operations | Expert Technical & Business Support | Unix, BSD, GNU, Linux | Offtopic ##Wrong
network: Libera.Chat