Chat room #MUSiCDVDr on IRC network LinkNet was registered at 2022-02-06 and assigned to category Music Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 13 users -
140 minutes ago -
current topic: RIP Cuckoo, You Will Be Missed! This channel has had a long and storied reputation in the annals of freenude history but is sadly, a shadow of its former self. Just a random
music channel, for ages had zero ops and no owners but hundreds of users, lol. Sometimes it was too crazy, but that's how it goes sometimes. ::
category: Music -
network: freenode
Chat Room - 46 users -
136 minutes ago -
current topic: Bienvenue sur #Live-
Music-PLaY ! Ici, chaque vibration est une invitation au rêve et à la découverte. Laissez-vous porter par des rythmes captivants et des trésors sonores qui se dévoilent au fil du temps. Retrouvez cette magie sur https://live et profitez pleinement de l'expérience. Profitez bien et bonne écoute !
category: Music Games -
network: Chaat
Chat Room - 16 users -
140 minutes ago -
current topic: ☆゚.*・。゚
MUSIC TALK & SHARE ゚。・*.゚☆ » Anime
musicc » Japanese
music » Touhou
music » Game
music » Soundtracks » and more!!! » ☆彡 ★彡 Uploads: | Make Flac, not War | Your official home for /mu/ on the Air:
Music Radio's R-I-Z-O-N #
Music | DCC bot coming soon™
category: Music -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 4 users -
126 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #
Music, the place where everyone speaks the true universal language. Feel free to share and discuss your favourites, but please keep in mind that taste is subjective and opinions will differ. Be kind to each other!
category: Music -
network: LewdChat