#pyistanbul Libera.Chat - Istanbul Chat

This is a small report about chat room #pyistanbul, a so called IRC channel on network Libera.Chat. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

 Related queries:  bursa (1)   turkish (6)   turkey (18)   istanbul (13)  

Chat room #pyistanbul on IRC network Libera.Chat was registered at 2021-11-15 and assigned to category Istanbul Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.

#pyistanbul Libera.Chat - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
Python Istanbul Libera Channel: https://pyistanbul.org/

More Istanbul Chat Rooms

#iStanbuL SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 489 users - 32 minutes ago - current topic: #istanbul kanalý kiralýktýr.. Detaylar için #Sales kanalýnda bilgi alabilirsiniz. . .
category: Istanbul - network: SohbetBurada

#iStanbuL Mavra.Net

Chat Room - 557 users - current topic: '' Bütün hatýralarým, yaþadýklarým silinip gidecek. Ben ne olacaðým? Telefon numaralarý bir þey deðil de. Benim þahsiyetim ne olacak?.. Yaþýyorsun ama yoksun. Ýnsan nasýl dayanýr buna?"
category: Istanbul - network: Mavra.Net

#istanbul Undernet

Chat Room - 9 users - 51 minutes ago - current topic: #istanbul kanalýna hoþ geldiniz. | Welcome to channel #istanbul
category: Istanbul - network: Undernet

#istanbul DALnet

Chat Room - 4 users - 51 minutes ago - current topic: `%%, `%%, `%%, DALnet #istanbul `%%, `%%, `%%,
category: Istanbul - network: DALnet

#istanbul Kelebek

Chat Room - 495 users - current topic:  Kaldigin yerden devam etmek diye bir sey yoktur. Ya biraktigin orada degildir, ya da biraktigin gibi degildir.. (Mehmet)
category: Istanbul - network: Kelebek

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