Chat room #monitoring-plugins on IRC network Libera.Chat was registered at 2021-05-28 and assigned to category Monitoring Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 9 users -
150 minutes ago -
current topic: SWMT's spam
monitoring channel for Wikidata | 831 wikis watched by the linkwatchers: | COIBots watching the linkwatchers and big wikis, see | Please help whitelisting good domains on the Linkwatchers: e.g. "clear <domain>" for good domains, ´do not count <domain>´ for questionable domains
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 18 users -
150 minutes ago -
current topic: SWMT spam
monitoring | 818 wikis watched by the linkwatchers: | COIBots watching the linkwatchers and big wikis, see | Help filter out good users in linkwatchers:LiWa3_1 user add <username>" | SWMT is now part of the shiny [[m:CVN]] - #countervandalism | See also: #wikidata-spam
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 38 users -
150 minutes ago -
current topic: Gentoo Binhost project | | Official binary package hosting now available! | | subscribe to gentoo-binhost-autobuilds@lists.g.o to help
monitoring builds | |
category: Gentoo -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 15 users -
150 minutes ago -
current topic: Network UPS Tools project community -
monitoring and management of power distribution devices | | | Please note that primary project discussions are best retained on its mailing lists or GitHub issues and PRs, the IRC channel is best-effort for quick questions
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
current topic: Welcome to #security where we sometimes focus on off/def/opsec, privacy/grc, threat hunting, programming, malware analysis, reverse engineering, OSINT, logging/
monitoring, forensics and the latest news on digital security. || Rules: Don't be toxic. || InfoSec jobs: || No paywall gang
category: Security -
network: TwistedNet