#jenkins-hosting Libera.Chat - Jenkins Chat

This is a small report about chat room #jenkins-hosting, a so called IRC channel on network Libera.Chat. This report usually includes user statistics and chat topics of the last days and weeks, if the IRC channel was already registered and its administrators didn't set its channel modes to private or secret.

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Chat room #jenkins-hosting on IRC network Libera.Chat was registered at 2021-05-28 and assigned to category Jenkins Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.

#jenkins-hosting Libera.Chat - Graph about the amount of users during the last weeks

to, from topic
- none -
jenkins-admin: help

More Jenkins Chat Rooms

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Chat Room - 2 users - 110 minutes ago - current topic: https://jenkins-debian-glue.org/ - allows you to build Debian & Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins Continuous Integration system
category: Jenkins Debian - network: OFTC

#jenkins-infra Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 12 users - 110 minutes ago - current topic: Moved to matrix https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#jenkins-infra:matrix.org
category: Jenkins - network: Libera.Chat

#jenkins-release Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 7 users - 110 minutes ago - current topic: Moved to matrix https://matrix.to/#/#jenkins-release:matrix.org
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#jenkins Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 71 users - 110 minutes ago - current topic: Most people have moved to matrix https://matrix.to/#/#jenkinsci_jenkins:gitter.im
category: Jenkins - network: Libera.Chat

#devops LizardIRC

Chat Room - 5 users - 97 minutes ago - current topic: LizardNet Development and Operations | Ask any questions related to LizardNet servers, services, etc. here. | LizardNetCodeReview == Gerrit bot, jenkins-ci == LizardNet Continuous Integration build status and such | icingaServerMonitor in #devops-icingaspam
category: Development - network: LizardIRC

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