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2025-02-21, 2024-11-27 |
Passing week by week through the machine death we regularly awoke with morning sickness, no longer a cheap joke at women, we were sick, green was one thing, the viridian technicolour of our bodily fluids was another. Stopping to rest one day we found a clumsy graffiti- turn up ya fucking gain ffs ya poofy hair spoofs. |
2024-11-26, 2024-11-18 |
we are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and it's bleeding to death- it went like this- |
2024-11-17, 2024-11-09 |
Bröther, I must go into the forbidden tunnel. It calls to me. The tunnel calls to us all. I know it is the call of death, and yet... I long for it. I desire its eternal and unknöwable darkness. The tunnel goes farther than infinity, beyond what is possible. No mere mortal can reach the end of the tunnel, for no matter how far you go, the end never gets any closer |
2024-11-08, 2024-11-06 |
<jotham> i assure you i'm not an autist |
2024-11-05, 2024-09-24 |
The connections were still being refused. We all forgot the proper commands. Ssh forwarding? nc? cat /dev/ttyS2? ed /dev/mem? nobody know it. Yet the tunnel still did not work. As a last attempt, the little nerd knocked on a hidden port. Nothing happened. Then suddenly a "GGRRRREEEEE" higly pitched sound was heard. We all got fragmented. It was the revenge the mighty Udeepee. |
2024-09-23, 2024-09-01 |
Best bit was the signs, it was chicken nuggies all the way down. Eventually we realised we wouldn't die, but the lack of oxygen made us feel like we would die. It was a lie. God bless the empire of atoms. |
2024-08-31, 2024-08-19 |
Finding a foothold and forcing our way down, back into the centuries of human failure, detritus, famine, and horrors, we cracked the mantel. Dropping in with a gentle plop, plop, plop. Our team was back in the fallopian tubes of the tunnel. This porcelain layer isolating us from the bacteriophage. As a team, we wouldn't feel it, but without HSV-2 would the species continue to evolve. |
2024-08-18, 2024-08-04 |
struggling through the aggregate outraged us, why should the tunnel not form. we didn't produce the rubble and the chaos. could we find a more difficult substrate to push into. |
2024-08-03, 2024-07-30 |
We always went seven feet down to bury a person as it was a literal dead end, but right now we’re 25 feet down: The chief overreacher is convinced we can connect to the so-called tunnel if we just focus. |
2024-07-29 |
We always found seven feet down to bury a person as a literal dead end but right now we’re 25 feet down. Our overreacher has said we can connect to the tunnel of we just focus. |