Chat room #anime on IRC network IRC-Nerds was registered at 2022-09-03 and assigned to category Anime Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 8 users -
60 minutes ago -
current topic: ::::(#
Anime-Takeover):::: BT: http:// DOWN|Patlabor 2 The Movie|You're Under Arrest Movie Remaster Edition|New: Black Jack The Movie|Commands: !rules|!voiceme|!list|!encodes|!bomb|!eyecancer|XDCC bots are A-T|Releases /msg A-T|Releases xdcc send #1 and A|OtakuBot /msg A|OtakuBot !blist
category: Anime -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 14 users -
60 minutes ago -
current topic: www. :: New Releases: Kingdom S2 Episode 39 (End), Toriko Movie 2 :: BT: http:// :: Releases: KnGB, KnG, Toriko & Movies, Baku I, II 01-13, Kingdom S1, Kingdom S2 :: DL Triggers: !xdcc| News: Toriko Movie 2 Released :: XDCC: Kyubei Recruiting: #Adestiny-Recruit
category: Anime -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 22 users -
60 minutes ago -
current topic: KiwiSDR | !list !find | English-tranlsated
anime can also be found at https:// AT Mirror https://mirror.
category: Anime -
network: Rizon