Chat room #madrid on IRC network IRC-Hispano was registered at 2024-11-26 and assigned to category Madrid Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 6 users -
145 minutes ago -
current topic: ___ Welcome to #
MADRID | Capital Of Spain (España) | NO: Advertising, Flooding, OR Inviting | OnLy EnGLisH & SPaNisH | Warning: Trespassers will be prosecuted | Town Hall: https://www. | Tourism:
category: Madrid -
network: DALnet
Chat Room - 150 users -
141 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CHfnqrt 15:1h *3:2] Bienvenid@s a #
madrid ATENCIÓN: Este no es un canal de SEXO. Queda totalmente Prohibido hacer Flood ,Insultar,Spam y usar las Mayúsculas.
category: Madrid -
network: Chatzona