Chat room #mibbit on IRC network GameSurge was registered at 2015-09-08 and assigned to category Mibbit Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on web requests.
Chat Room - 19 users -
40 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CFHJPSTdfjnrtx 1:15 100:5m 2 3 5:1 5:5 10:5] Welcome to the new home of :: Info Commands: ?rules ?mods ?tablehof :: Please register your names! :: IRC DISCORD - :: Put Your Location on our map! ::
Mibbit Users must register to talk :: Spoilers to GOT = b& :: OC users: Befriending Ducks = B&
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 3 users -
45 minutes ago -
current topic: ⊰⊹✿✿Welcome To #Social... Come join us in some fun... Bring your friends and family with you.. Welcome to #KonnectIrc Network.. If you need help join #help !Please Be Respectful. No sex's nick Allowed. Discord Webchat @ Type !rules for rules
network: KonnectChatIRC