Chat room #mbc on IRC network CakeForceUK was registered at 2020-03-31 and assigned to category Cake Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 5 users -
51 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to The Lair, a dark place with sadism, sedition, being yourself and
cake! | Space-pirate hacker kitties lurk here! | Respect each other! | PM swordsmanz if there are any complaints | 18+ | We once had a book club! | All clothes are banned in The Lair! (This is not a hard rule and there will be no ramifications to our fair clothed friends.) | havires gets a funny feeling in his adult place thinking about Alison Brie.
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 2 users -
69 minutes ago -
current topic: I2P+ 1.8.0+ >> | skank.i2p | outproxy.purokishi.i2p | | notbob.i2p | ramble.i2p | teddit.i2p | linuxfarm.i2p |
cake.i2p | tube.i2p | discuss.i2p | nitter.skank.i2p
category: I2P -
network: Libera.Chat