Chat room #shoutcastgui on IRC network AIN was registered at 2024-11-05 and assigned to category SHOUTcast Chat Rooms. Registration of this chat room was based on a large attendance.
Chat Room - 6 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k
Shoutcast @ ® ODYSEE stream @ ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling
category: Radio -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 10 users -
151 minutes ago -
current topic: ROGERradio///ROGERvision ® 24/7 Radio/Video Stream ® 320k/128k/64k
Shoutcast @ ® ODYSEE stream @ ® Request Line !OPEN! ® Type $help for more information ® Powered by Super Sexy Roger brand DSP ® electronic, hiphop, chiptunes, drumnbass, metal, indie, music, radio, video, streaming, cryptocurrency, gambling
category: Radio -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 12 users -
136 minutes ago -
current topic: Benvenuti nel canale IRC ufficiale di Wollino. Per evitare questioni di qualsiasi natura, AUTOVOICE a parte, NON assegnerò PRIVILEGI (~QOP) (&SOP) (@AOP) (%HOP) (+VOP) a NESSUNO. Buone Discussioni a tutti! ( (v7.67 - NON AGGIORNARE)) Ascolta le tue radio Preferite su o https://directory.
network: Orixon
Chat Room - 11 users -
current topic: Benvenuti nel canale IRC ufficiale di Wollino. Per evitare questioni di qualsiasi natura, AUTOVOICE a parte, NON assegnerò PRIVILEGI (~QOP) (&SOP) (@AOP) (%HOP) (+VOP) a NESSUNO. Buone Discussioni a tutti! ( (v7.67 - NON AGGIORNARE)) Ascolta le tue radio Preferite su o https://directory.