Der Chatraum #swiftrpg vom IRC-Netz SwiftIRC wurde am 2022-07-15 registriert und der Kategorie Role-Playing Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund hoher Besucherzahlen.
Chatraum - 7 Benutzer -
vor 41 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Pharos Enoch, the fortress city; an enigmatic anachronism beneath the lighthouse. No roads lead to it and yet all end at its gates. This is a multi-genre, free form role playing channel. For all your OOC needs, head on over to #FC_OOC Our website is Current Ward: Eurus Now with Discord Server, join us at
Kategorie: International -
Netz: DarkMyst
Chatraum - 8 Benutzer -
vor 45 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Welcome to Futanaripalace.rp (18+) - the official
role-playing channel for FP | Rules (Recommended reading): | If you get renamed to Guest####, the name you want is already in use by another. Enter /nick NICKNAME to change it. | New members: Please, speak up when you enter!
Netz: Rizon
Chatraum - 4 Benutzer -
vor 41 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Enoch is a side channel for #Fort_City. We are a multi-genre, free form role playing room that takes place in the enigmatic setting of Enoch. For all your OOC needs, head on over to #FC_OOC Our website is Current Ward: Eurus Now with Discord Server, join us at
Netz: DarkMyst
Chatraum - 28 Benutzer -
vor 41 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Welcome to DarkMyst's general chat channel! | For help, please join #help | For IRC
role-playing chat and assistance in finding a game, please join #rpg-hub | DarkMyst is accepting server applications, please visit | Check all the latest news at
Netz: DarkMyst