Der Chatraum #debian-devel-changes vom IRC-Netz OFTC wurde am 2013-10-17 registriert und der Kategorie Debian Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund hoher Besucherzahlen.
bis, von |
Thema |
2024-12-01 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 624 | stable RC bug count: 470 | NEW queue: 298 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 69 | dinstall: not running |
2024-12-01 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 625 | stable RC bug count: 467 | NEW queue: 296 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 68 | dinstall: not running |
2024-12-01 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 627 | stable RC bug count: 469 | NEW queue: 296 | backports NEW queue: 0 | RM queue: 68 | dinstall: indices |
2024-12-01 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 638 | stable RC bug count: 469 | NEW queue: 296 | backports NEW queue: 0 | RM queue: 67 | dinstall: not running |
2024-12-01 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 638 | stable RC bug count: 468 | NEW queue: 296 | backports NEW queue: 0 | RM queue: 66 | dinstall: not running |
2024-11-30 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 642 | stable RC bug count: 469 | NEW queue: 295 | backports NEW queue: 2 | RM queue: 64 | dinstall: indices |
2024-11-30 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 627 | stable RC bug count: 466 | NEW queue: 291 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 63 | dinstall: not running |
2024-11-30 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 607 | stable RC bug count: 455 | NEW queue: 291 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 63 | dinstall: not running |
2024-11-30 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 628 | stable RC bug count: 467 | NEW queue: 290 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 61 | dinstall: indices |
2024-11-30 |
d-d-c | RC bug count: 639 | stable RC bug count: 467 | NEW queue: 290 | backports NEW queue: 1 | RM queue: 61 | dinstall: not running |
Weitere Debian Chaträume
Chatraum - 327 Benutzer -
vor 120 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Get help contributing (inc packaging, infra) | Join #packaging for other packaging | Join #
debian for user support | Thanks for being friendly and helpful | Links: https://www. https://mentors. https://wiki. https://wiki.
DebianMentorsFaq | Sponsoree repository: https://mentors.
Kategorie: Debian -
Netz: OFTC
Chatraum - 57 Benutzer -
vor 121 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Debian 12.8 "bookworm" /msg dpkg bookworm | oldstable,
Debian 11.11 "bullseye" /msg dpkg bullseye | Fin du support LTS de
Debian 10 "buster" le 30 juin 2024 /msg dpkg buster-lts |
Debian 8, 9 et 10 support commercial: /msg dpkg elts | Pas de flood: /msg dpkg paste | offtopic: #
debian-offtopic | testing/unstable: #
debian-next | Code de conduite:
Kategorie: Debian Frankreich -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 31 Benutzer -
vor 121 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Canale italiano per gli utenti
Debian | Comunità Italiana - Forum - Documentazione: Non chiedere di chiedere, chiedi e attendi con pazienza se ricevi risposta! Leggere prima di scrivere ☛ https://wiki.
debian-it | Rilascio attuale di
Debian: bookworm 12.8 | #
debian-it #
debian #
debian-next (testing/unstable) | https://salsa.
Kategorie: Debian -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 30 Benutzer -
vor 120 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Not for end user support of any kind | To improve the collaboration and reduce the differences between
Debian and Ubuntu | http://wiki. |
Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers |
DebianDevelopers | Be patient for answers, people get back to you eventually |
Kategorie: Debian Ubuntu -
Netz: OFTC
Chatraum - 16 Benutzer -
vor 121 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Docs → wiki. || Para pegar usa paste. || Repositorios → www. || ESTO NO ES #ubuntu-es || RTFM manpages. || Que imagen descargo? → cdimage-search. ||
Debian Estable → Bookworm 12.5 || Actualizando a Bookworm? →
Kategorie: Debian -
Netz: Libera.Chat