bis, von |
Thema |
2025-02-20, 2023-06-24 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-20, 2023-06-26 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G1 (minor) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-19, 2025-02-16 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G1 (minor) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G1 (minor) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-19 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G1 (minor) | Day After: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-18, 2023-03-08 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-18, 2023-04-12 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R1 (minor) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-17 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 40%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-16 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G1 (minor) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 45%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-15 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R1 (minor) S0 (none) G1 (minor) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G1 (minor) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |
2025-02-15 |
Space Weather Conditions: | 24 Hr Observed Max: R1 (minor) S0 (none) G1 (minor) | Latest Observed: R0 (none) S0 (none) G0 (none) | Predictions: | Rest of UTC Day: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Tomorrow: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Day After: R1-R2: 50%, R3-R5: 10%, S1+: 5%, G0 (none) | Explanations: | Dash: |